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MUST, Communications team has released the news letter volume 11.
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This course will introduce you to Astrophysics, the study of astronomical objects through the principles of physics
Welcome to the Department of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at Mbarara University of Science and Technology. We strive to provide excellence in teaching for both undergraduate and postgraduate students and to encourage research into the nature, cause and prevention of adult medical diseases.
Users must complete the course"Moodle Admin Basics program and certificate" with a minimum grade of 80
Anatomy is the identification and description of the structures of living things. It is a branch of biology and medicine
This Course will introduce you to Biochemistry, the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms.
This is a test course created to showcase and train the Quiz and BBB features.
This course introduces students to the concepts of disability, rehabilitation and whole person care. Students will be taught to understand the different roles of the health care team and explore alternative ways of working together. Students will be trained in how to deliver a holistic model of intervention and rehabilitation skills, appropriate to their profession.
The course is about pressure management in women
This course is meant to introduce students to the structure and appearance of the human body. This course analyzes the structural composition of the human body from cellular to organ levels. The goal is to provide a foundation in human anatomy appropriate for students interested in the bioscience and health care professions (e.g., physical therapy, medicine, biomedical engineering). Learning objectives will be achieved through a combination of lecture and hands-on (laboratory) approaches, reinforced by clinical examples and analysis of how biomedical devices interface with anatomical structures. This course gives a grounding necessary for engineers to work with the human anatomy.
The Applied Integrated Anatomy of Limbs and Trunk explains the anatomy of Limbs and Trunk.